In May, a late afternoon cruise landed us at Milk River just as it was getting dark- but we still had to get out at the tourist info booth and check out the dinosaur.
And posing with the giant corn stalks in Taber!
A museum dedicated to broken hearts has recently been founded in Croatia.
Author's of the concept Olinka Vištica and Drazen Grubišić decided to set up the
museum after
consoling friends over their failed romances.The museum has
everything from
romantic and touching letters to different gifts given to lovers
like teddy
bears and photos, but also such unusual examples as leg prothesis
donated by a
war veteran who fell in love with his physiotherapist or a gall
stone. Every
single object on display is anonymous, and has a short description
of the
item related to the relationship that was behind. That's why it could be
therapeutic for those with newly broken hearts."
The Museum of Broken
Relationships is an art concept which proceeds from the assumption that
possess integrated fields - holograms of memories and emotions - and
with its layout to create a space of secure memory or protected
remembrance in
order to preserve the material and nonmaterial heritage of
Unlike the destructive self-help instructions for
from failed loves, the Museum offers every individual the chance to
overcome the
emotional collapse through creation, i.e., by contributing to
the holdings of
the Museum. The individual gets rid of controversial objects
, triggers of
momentarily undesirable emotions, by turning them into museum
exhibits, i.e.,
artefacts and thereby participating in the creation
of a preserved collective
emotional history.
After the success of the
first display in Zagreb this
unique museum is going on world tour.
Ex – Axe
1995 Berlin She was the first woman that I let move in with
me. All my friends thought I needed to learn to let people in more. After a few
months of her moving in, I was offered to travel to the US. She could not come
with me. We said goodbye tearfully at the airport with assurance she could not
survive three weeks without me. As I returned after three weeks, she said: «I
fell in love with someone else. I know her for 4 days but I know that she gives
me all what you cannot give me.» I was banal and asked about her plans regarding
our life and living together. As the next day she still had no answer, I kicked
her out. She went immediately with her new girlfriend on holiday while her
furniture stayed with me. Not knowing what to do with my anger, I bought finally
at Karstadt this axe
to blow off some steam and to give her at least a small feeling of loss – which
she did not have obviously after losing the relationship with me. In the 14 days
of her holidays I started to axe one piece of her furniture a day. The leftovers
I let stand there, as an expression of my inner condition. The more her room
became filled with chopped up furniture, and therefore looked like I was
feeling, I was starting to get better. Two weeks after she was kicked out, she
came to take the furniture. It was neatly arranged into small heaps and
fragments of wood. She took that trash and left my apartment for the last time.
The axe is lifted to a therapeutic instrument.
He sure looks like an Angel when he sleeps, if he could always be this quiet and peaceful....
Mom!!! Really...another picture??? The guys and I are trying to work here!
ahhhhhh...maybe they're a little more scary up close than on TV
just in case you don't know what Mighty Machines are???
It comes with a bunch of cutting plates to provide the pressure to either emboss, or do die cutting.
But why I'm really excited about it is I think it will also work as a printing press, like one that I've been wanting since college. It was the same rollers and therefore basic mechanics as what we used in my course, it's just much smaller. I don't think any of my old etching plates will fit, but buying new sheets of plastic and doing some drypoint etching shouldn't be hard...as soon as I can get the plastic, I'm going to cut them down and give it a try...the machine won't produce anything much bigger than a greeting card size, but Hey, it's a start...and like I said I've been wanting something similar since I left college. so I'm super excited to see if this works. And in the mean time, I think I might go out and get some of the embossing plates and use the machine as it was intended, since that looks kinda cool too!
This website is a great tool...
you can type in anywhere your going and see all sorts of strange attractions people have posted in the area.
It was already 50% off... but the Starbucks lady was so in love with Nathan, she asked if it was going to be for him (which it actually wasn't, but I just kinda shrugged) and she gave it to us at another 30% off on top of the 50%.
Anyways, the manual says Ideally you should be aiming for 10,000 steps per day. I of course thought "hey no problem"...I've been feeling like I've got buns of steel since we moved into this town house with a million stairs, I'm up and down them 100 times a day. apparently not...
this was my reading at 10:30 tonight
Now I'm not going to start whining that this thing doesn't work, even though right after I took the picture I went upstairs threw some things in Nathan's room came back down and it now read 2541...hmmm...
but on the other hand it did add like 200 extra steps because I left it clipped on while driving today.
I've learned that it does need to be in a certain position to work properly... So I'm going to keep trying...
but what really scares me is ideally 10,000 steps and my first day I'm at like a 1/4...that's so bad. I think my goal will be to add at LEAST 500 steps per day.
Maybe I'll start posting my yesterday totals each day so I can have a log of if I'm improving. Obviously I'm no where near what I thought I was doing.