Tomorrow I am officially the BIG 3-0!!!
and the truth is, it's been bothering me since I was turning 29 and realizing that this was my last year in MY TWENTIES.
But surprisingly, I'm doing really well!
I've kind of taken the last month to take stock, and look at where my life is.
30, was always the big magic number for me. Everything was always something that had to be accomplished by 30.
I'm happy to say,
I've done it all!
Okay maybe not everything,
I didn't get to Paris like I promised myself.
But I managed to get out on to a farm years sooner than I thought I would. So I see those two as awash.
And really?
the lifestyle living out here full time has got to be way more worth it than 2 weeks in Paris.
So I figure everything is pretty good (minus the fact I woke up this morning with a wicked chest cold and a throat that's on fire- make enjoying your last day of your twenties kinda painful)
I mean if you can reach that milestone/goal age, and say I did everything on "my list" so far, except one thing, you've got be doing something right, RIGHT?
Now...I need to come up with a whole new list of goals and stuff for the next big milestone...

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