Friday, October 16, 2009

Tea Time

Several weeks ago we took Nathan out for Vietnamese food, and he discovered He LOVES Tea!

I haven't made any at home in quite awhile but it was so cold the other day, I made a pot and offer him a cup at the table with me. I guess Mommy can make it as good as the restaurant...

This was all good and cute, until the next day, when I was standing in the laundry room and heard a strange clinking sound from the kitchen.

"Nathan what are you doing?"


hmmm not good. I went to investigate.

and if the little tea monster hasn't added 2 tea bags to the tea pot and is climbing on the counter trying to figure out how to plug in the kettle!

I made him a pot, with a lecture about how he was allowed to have tea but needed to ask Mommy first, and Mommy would make it.

Again~ I guess my tea making ability gets the thumbs up!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Feelin' crafty

I'm getting really excited about Halloween this year.

We went out today and pick up 5 pumpkins. I know it's too early to carve them (darn), but I thought I'd leave them out as decoration on the front porch for awhile first.

While in the grocery store I couldn't resist coming home with a "Halloween tricks & treats" magazine. It's a special interest publication from Better Homes and Gardens. The main reason I "needed" it was the 43 clever pumpkin ideas inside...although the ones I think are the absolute coolest are the patterns for dog breed pumpkins that you can get online here...Free Pumpkin-Carving Stencils of Favorite Dog Breeds

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