Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soccer Star

Nathan had his first soccer practice last night.
And to be honest...
it went horribly wrong.

He did fine during the warm ups. When he was told to go for a run with the coach he ran right up and grabbed his hand and went for the run"right with him". He hopped like a bunny when he was told to. And as long as he had the coaches attention he'd do what he was asked.
then the drills started and the parents do them with the kids (remember I'm wearing Greg in his sling for all this). Anyways the drills involved things like kicking the ball around pylons. and most of the other kids would kick it, and it would go somewhere near the next pylon 3 or 4 feet away. But when Nathan kicked the ball it would go half the field. and be nowhere near the pylons he was suppose to be going through. So Nathan and I spent the entire practice running over three different soccer fields. The coach would blow he whistle to bring everyone in and explain the next drill and more than half the time he missed the directions because he was still coming back from 3 fields over.
Totally not the coach's fault. The Head coach did an awesome job, keeping everything moving. and only doing each activity for 5-10 minutes so most of them didn't get bored.
In fact I blame myself for his less than stellar behavior.
He was so excited to be "Playing" with other kids that he could barely contain himself. and he's just not the type of kid to wait in line to take his shot on net. If theres a line up he'll just take his ball and go somewhere else. Really? he hasn't been in enough groups. He's also not used to not being the centre of attention.
So for the next 2 days. Until our next practice on Wednesday night. We will be having a ton of conversations about how when you hear a coaches whistle, you need to run as fast as you can to the coach. See if you can be the first one there.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 19- 25, 2010

April 19- 25, 2010
Originally uploaded by jjolt
Top line left to right
* Iron Man and his new shin pads
* The New Iron Man helmet that he won't take off
* This is what was starring at me over my computer "look mommy muppets" - to much kermit the frog, now everything is a muppet not just a puppet.
* Baby Greg's
* Nathan's seeds

second row
* Monkey needs to be safe too! buckle in Monkey please!
* Rainy day balloons
* Helping get ready for the chicks washing out the pool
* Everyone's fav. Bubble wrap

Third row
* Play place climbing
* Evil goose hanging on the hay bale
* I went to grab some hay for the chicks, and noticed something on top of the hay bale.
* Nate with his special package

Forth row
* Me, and a chick
* Baby Farmer
* Chick close up- playing with the new macro lens
* Nate and the chick
* The new chick pen

Fifth row
* Chick kisses
* and the last 4 pics are me experimenting with the new lens and how close it can get to things...door handle in the barn, leaf, flowers...

Friday, April 23, 2010

But Daddy won't be happy

Nathan found a pair of my high heels this morning.
I asked if he could actually walk in them when he put them on.
He could but didn't like it
"shoes to Wiggly, Mommy"
When I said I was going to take his picture, he took them off. And will NOT let me take his picture.
Do you think somewhere deep down he knows his daddy would not be impressed???

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Peeps

It was a pretty exciting day around here, We finally got the chicks...

Nathan absolutely loves them. "go see MY baby chicks?" I heard all day long.
I was pretty surprised with how gentle he was. I still need to catch one for him and put it in his hand or he attempts to pick up up by the head. But once they're in his hand he's so gentle and calm it's pretty great.

Although my favorite part of the day didn't just make me laugh out loud, I was howling it was so funny. On the way to get the chicks we had this conversation...
Mommy: "Do you know where were going?"
Nathan: "get chicks"
Mommy: "that's right baby chicks, do you know what sound a chick makes?"
Nathan "......"
Mommy : " Chicks say peep peep peep"
Nathan: " Mommy, what that sound?"
Mommy: "what sound? peep peep?"
Nathan: "yes, mommy, that a microwave"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nathan discovers something "new" ....everyones favorite Bubble Wrap!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Up North

Remember when I mentioned Muskeg up North?
Apparently the thaw is in full swing now.
And they can't have any vehicles in the field. So they load the guys and their equipment onto these large rig mats and drag them into their site with a bulldozer.
Chris sent me a pic. I think it's pretty cool

And then he gets to cruise around site in this little mean machine. I'm pretty sure he called it an ARGO.

I think we should get one, for our field with all that marsh. I'm told you can take them right in the water as they float, and can cut through water pretty good too!

Monday, April 19, 2010

april 12-18

april 12-18
Originally uploaded by jjolt

Week in Review
Upper left clockwise

* Snowed in our living room
* Dump truck "Snow" clean up
* smiles and giggles
* Nathan showing his brother how to play
*New Photography books and Mags (can you guess what my new obession is?)
*Hay bale- taken with the new lens from the front porch
*Awe! Flowers from my Man
*My "COG" the cat that thinks she's a dog
*Nathan still playing cowboy
*Our first outdoor BBQ of the season
*My new Lens!!!!!!!!!!
*Daddy and Greg.
*How big my little guy is getting!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


It's been an insane few days around here.
Chris is working on getting a class 3 license, in hopes of changing jobs soon.
So instead of having the weekend off, he spent 10 hours Saturday in an air brakes class.

I thought I'd have him all day today to get some more of the weeds done in the back field.


He got a call last night that he would be heading out to Fort Mac this afternoon. No rest for the wicked.
So were busy getting his clothing and everything packed up last night, and the washing machine starts acting funny...why???
Because it has no more water.
The stupid pump in the basement bit the dust.

So this morning like a mad man Chris flew into town, got a new pump and got it installed for me before he left at 2 this afternoon.
Although I was completely annoyed that the pump finally kicked it, and that it caused such a time crunch. I had to admit I was pretty darn happy that it happened last night instead of tonight. - with Chris gone for 3 weeks it would have been fun figuring out who to call, and what to do to get it fixed on my own!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Some days people surprise me

Today, I was determined to get to a camera store in Edmonton. I looked up the address, and checked a map before we left.
I still got lost.
Looking for it on the wrong side of the street.
And as I'm cutting down back alley's trying to get back to where I needed to be. I realized we were in a pretty rough area. The kind where people are picking through dumpsters and stumbling out of the corner liquor store.
So I was already in high alert mode when I started piling the kids out of the car.
I had Nathan strapped into a stroller and was wrestling Greg into the sling when a woman approached me.
And I automatically thought "here we go..."do you have any...""
But she started by asking me how old my baby was.
And I thought "uhhhhuh, she's just trying to get me talking"
I told her Greg was almost 4 months.
And she told me I had beatiful children, and was truely blessed. Then she told me to have a wonderful day, and walked away smiling.
And I stood there kinda stunned.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What a Man

Sometimes that man of mine still manages to surprise me... Like 2 nights ago, when he came home from work with flowers in hand.
Sometimes I wonder where his head is, but his BIG heart is always in the right place.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring clean?

Finally my poor van is getting a bath! I don't think the poor girl has been washed all winter.
And is there anything grosser than the stuff that you find under a three year olds car seat? Ewwwww.

Mutton Busting

So last Night we went to Bull-A-Rama in Thorhild. And Nathan got his first taste of being a Cowboy...

Dressed in his snazzy new Wrangler shirt we dumped him on a sheep and let that boy ride. He's on his way to becoming a a professional Mutton Buster.

He loved every minute of our night. He sat in the stands screaming "go Cowboy" after every ride. At one point he slipped away from his Dad and made it to the arena floor. He slid right under the bars, and his Daddy had to haul him out quick. I think he figured if he could make it into the bull pen they'd let him ride.

By the time the sheep riding (finally started-it was awfully late for little kids) he figured he knew exactly what to do. and was ready to go!!!!

And as soon as he finished his ride. He was asking to go again.

So Proud of my little Cowboy!

(still trying to upload the super cute video, but blogger isn't liking the format or something at the moment)