Friday, March 20, 2009

Cool Dude Super Boots

What is it when Chris has his days off I manage to get pulled from the computer for a few days?
You would think that I'd have more time on my hands???
Actually I have to give him some credit he actually did a power clean on my kitchen and even tackled my really scary stove! YAY

I know today is officially the first day of spring...but for me the essence of spring was yesterday!
We took a quick trip out to the new town, to do some tasks like getting a post office box and went on a hunt for pre-school information. (btw~ so looking forward to preschool- which is going to be 2 mornings a week right in town, and I'm so thrilled that I don't have to drive to the next town I can't tell you)
anyways after the "chores" were done we headed to the next town to check out the Walmart and the no frills food store.

We found Nathan the cutest boots ever!!!
Okay I convinced him they were cool dude boots ~ since Chris hates it when I tell him things he or the boy wears are CUTE
Anyways they're black rubber boots with yellow stripes and yellow toes, and a badge on the front the say

Fire Chief

he thinks they're so cool he's been wearing them around the house, and when we got to the "no frill" he refused to wear his winter boots he wanted his new ones...

anyways the spring part??
he got out of the truck realized after about 2 steps he was walking in water, and jumped and splashed and carried on all the way into the store.
When, he was having one of his "special moments" in the store, I took him back out to the truck while daddy stood in line and he spent 20 minutes splashing and watching the water run into the drain and kicking it into the was the perfect spring moments...
I took some pics and a quick video, but that stupid camera is refusing to recognize the files at the moment so I'll have to bug Chris tomorrow to figure out what the &*$## is wrong with it now!
and then maybe I'll get some pics of the super dude boots too!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Made my day

Today had been a pretty frustrating day, we need to meet all the conditions for the acreage by today...and we're still waiting on the bank- and therefore the mortgage. Which is driving me crazy!!! I think we'll be able to get an extension if we have to, but I so wanted it to be done today...
so maybe this is a message from certainly interesting that it showed up today????

This is the prize I won in OWOH event. From the Fabulous Janice over at Stamps,Scraps, & Snaps she creates some pretty amazing cards with some really cool stamps, you should go over and check out her stuff.
She sooooo made my day today! getting a big box in the mail full of all the beautiful ribbons, paper and flowers as well as the lettering to create the FAITH hanging in the picture...I'm so happy! She so brightened my otherwise foul mood today!!!

YAY a new project

I'm so psyched about this new competition
Lisa of A whimsical bohemian was the host of the OWOH, and now she's hosting the coolest new challenge!
you can click on the logo below to go to the site and check out what the challenge is all about...
but short and sweet,
the idea is to create a garment of clothing, life size, with all recycled material!!!
My mind is just spinning.
I created something similar for a final project in my college sculpture class...I'll have to see if I can dig up the pics, but I think I might only have slide copies *sigh* I'll look though...I created the coolest fish shoes for that project and now my mind is just brimming with possibilities for this challenge.

Monday, March 9, 2009

stress produces art

This was the ink sketch I did in my sketchbook a couple of weeks back...Chris has been bugging me it looks very Manga...but I saw a fairy in her...her back just looked like she needed wings

So I glued a piece of scrapbook paper to a 4X6 art board and started painting- I gave her clip art butterfly wings...and managed to finish her all in one night, because I started her the night that we had to decide to make an offer on the property or not. I was so stressed out and angry about being forced into a quick decision that I was up all night I just kept painting and re- tinting and changing her hair color. I swear she must have 50 layers of paint!
Oh well, I like her.
I've decided I need to work much smaller I've been overwhelming myself with 16 X20 canvases or bigger...and they never seem to get finished, because the background always seems to trip me up an then they sit and sit and sit waiting for me to decide.- So I'm turning over a new leaf and allowing myself to do "other" things for backgrounds and work smaller...I'm actually pretty proud that at least I can say I finished 1

Sunday, March 8, 2009

last month- camera clean out

So I said in an earlier post that I finally got around to downloading the "other camera"...
I found some pics of our trip to Calgary- to finish get our stuff out of storage...

It's always a good trip if you can get the little guy to sleep through most of it, but I loved the fact that once he was out Maggie put her head on him and was falling asleep too.

I had to take a picture of this, it's the coolest snow fort I've seen in a long time

It was in the park at the end of Dad's street, and I just love that some kids took the time to build it igloo style and layered all those snow chunks- It must have taken hours and hours

what is this???

Ever since I got my new camera for my birthday, our other camera has kind of gone to the wayside...I'd stop using it completely except that it fits so much easier in a purse or pocket.
I finally got around to downloading the randomness that is on the old camera this weekend, and I have to ask? does anyone know what this is?

We were at West Ed mall about a month ago, and they had covered the huge skating rink in the centre of the mall with Astro turf for this tournament of sorts
They were throwing what looked like a red bone to me a lines of white "bones" with mesh and metal net in behind??? I don't know if the nets were just backstops or if it was actually for scoring somehow?
This is what the row of "bones" looked like
The had a sign up with a website that I thought I'd remember to figure out exactly what this game is, but of course I didn't write it down and now I've any ideas?

The whole reason we stopped is because a little monkey took an interest in the action, and insisted on climbing the spectator chairs and watching over the rail. It was really good, he was happy and actually still for over twenty minutes he was so busy watching this game

Nathan's new Doll?

We had the house inspection on Thursday and were back out on the property to meet the inspectors (everything went well)
The current family was home from school for a snow day, so Nathan spent the entire time following the youngest daughter around trying to make her play with him...she decided to show him "the coolest trick ever"
apparently she's had this cat since it was a kitten and has always put it in the doll stroller...

The cat adores being pushed around in the stroller, even when it stopped getting pushed in circles it would stay in the stroller hoping someone else would take it for another ride.

Nathan thought this was the coolest thing ever!! ~ Man my child is just animal crazy.