we found 14 VHS movies Disney and Dora the explorer for 25 cents each.
A board game, and a pair of shorts for Nathan and only spent 5 bucks.
Then outside they had an entire bench full of free things. One of which was this super cool retro bike.
"Free" are there any better words than that?
It's not in the best shape. The fenders are bent to rub the wheels and the brakes are out of alignment. The tires are trashed.
But I'm really not planning on riding it.
I think it would look amazing with a coat of turquoise blue, or a bright green paint. A big hanging basket on the front filled with hanging flowers and parked out on the lawn.
That's my thoughts right now. But I'm still researching it a bit, trying to figure out exactly how old and retro it is. In the bit of investigating I've done already. These bikes from the 20's -30's and 40's can be worth more than a thousand dollars. I'm pretty sure by the goldish color on the bike and the gear shift on the handle bars that it's probably only a 70's bike and not worth anything close. but I'd sure be mad if I found out after it had been spray painted and left outside for a year that it was worth big bucks!!!!

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