Thursday, May 22, 2008

It' still Raining!!!
So to pass part of the day Nathan and I went to Value Village- There 50% off sale is Monday (of course) so I didn't want to but to much...but I could resist the plastic numbers for Nathan to play with...Yes, I will have him counting before he's 2.
And the same bag of toys ($3.99 by the way) had this cute little key chain- which had 4 different sounds- a car horn, a door bell, a car being unlocked and the starting noise. Plus we got a Barney the dinosaur doll, some sort of car with a cat driving and 2 remotes -on squeaks and looks like a remote for a TV and the other squeaks as well but I'm not sure what it's suppose to be for... I look the bags of toys at Value Village...there always under 4 bucks, and even if you throw out half of them it's still way less than you'd spend on even one new toy...
I also could resist getting myself some clothes...I'm always throwing a jacket over top of my tee shirt or tank top to try to reduce the sun exposure- seems like the older I get the faster I burn...but I don't have a lot of light enough jackets when its hot...I found the khaki colored jacket for something like 6 bucks, and its the perfect weight...the mustard colored one is a little heavier but has such a cool swirl pattern stitched all over, I thought it would be great even if I have to wait till the fall- but it's the perfect color for fall too!
The red one, is probably light's almost exactly like the black one I already own that I'm practically wearing out...and has a great cut to it. The long black on is about 3/4 length and I figured it could go over anything...
But my favorite find was the jacket right in the has such luxurious gold fabric, and the gorgeous rose embroidery and it was 6 BUCKS!!!! Okay maybe not totally practical for trips to the play ground...but if I'm starting work again soon...or even the nice dinners...see I can justify anything!
It's still raining, and Nathan's I think I might head out to the carport and see if I can't get some of the plants I bought at Home Depot the other day planted...the one good thing about the at least the stupid Dandelions aren't blooming...yay! a 2 day break from stupid plucking!

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