Monday, May 19, 2008

Life is So Busy....

All of May has been INSANE.

The First weekend in May we took a quick trip on Sunday (night) out to Milk River...just for a drive. Nathan loved the Dinosaur at the rest stop/ tourist centre (which was actually closed, so we parked on the shoulder of the highway and jumped the ditch to go see- this is what constitutes being a "bad ass" in my life now!!!)

Actually he loved the "fake" hoodoo's around the centre more...there was one that was a small cave- about his size so he could climb up himself and then walk through, come out the other side and run over to do it again. I swear he must have climbed through there 25 times!!!!

For Mother's Day we went up to Calgary, and took both sets of Grandparents to the Wave Pool.
Everyone had an awesome time. Nathan was spoiled...he just had to whine and someone would help him swim, or take him down the slide or hold him in the waves...

but the funniest part was I had the feeling the whole time that I was there with 6 KIDS The Grandfathers were going down the water slide...Barb was swinging off the rope into the deep end, Colleen was off and gone to the hot tub...they were all having a GREAT time.

We met Uncle Mike and Michel for lunch with everyone afterwards...and poor buddy was so tired, he slept in Grammas arms through most of it...although just because he's his father's son he did manage to wake up in time for food.

The most annoying part of the weekend, was what to do with the dogs...we we're only planning on being in Calgary for less than a day so...the plan was just to leave them home with extra water and food...but...Chris got an interview in Edmonton for Monday, so we needed a Doggy solution. That's when we found out our regular dog sitter is so busy with her new doggy daycare she no longer babysits...we we're strapped!
Lucky for us- Uncle Brian agreed to take only meant riding for 3 hours with 2 stinky- in need of a bath dogs in the back of the van.- but we got them back happy as can be...Brian truly needs another dog...they must have been spoiled rotten as usual...because they were in great spirits even the rest of the week...

So, because Brian took the Dogs...we we're all able to go to Edmonton with Chris...

He Got Offered the JOB!!!!
He worked his Butt off all last week, getting rid of about 80% of the stock in the building, and getting ready to shut the business completely down here.
We've decided I'll stay down here, with Nathan until after the wedding (assuming I don't get a job in Edmonton before that)
So I have a SINGLE MOM summer ahead of me...and it officially started last night...he left to go stay in Calgary for a night and head for Edmonton from there's an awfully long drive to do all in one day!

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