Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Dollar store is soooo cool

I had to zip into the dollar store this afternoon, to pick up a B-day card for "grandpa zooms" birthday at the end of the month; it'll have to be in the post this week to make it in time.

But while I was there I ended up spending a lot more than 1 dollar (surprise).

I picked up a little rake so Nathan can help with yard work, a plastic fishing pole with some plastic fish, a big box of those huge sidewalk chalks- can you telling I'm dying for spring to begin? But mother nature hates me and gave us more snow again today, actually I'm convinced it's my fault I was wearing Capri's or shants when it was warm a few weeks ago and I'm sure I jinxed everything.

*shants* - Tiff proposed this word in College, based off the theory they are Not Short, Not Pants...and anyone with self respect SHANT wear them. Love IT!

Back to the dollar store I also found these "ice creams" and had to have them, not only do I love the colors they're actually bubble blowers inside...I'm wondering if I should e-mail a pic to the wedding photographer...I think it would be so cool to use them in some of the wedding party pics, and then we could have bubbles too!
Well I think it's a neat idea, even if Chris rolls his eyes...

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