The boys have had a very exciting weekend. Nathan's 4th Birthday is tomorrow, and Grandpa Zoom came for the weekend to celebrate. The boys get spoiled with so much attention from Grandpa you can't blame them for being totally insane whenever he around.
I spent my day working on this....
I'd promised Nathan a Buzzlightyear cake. So I went out and got Wilton Cake pan. And spent the better part of the afternoon trying to get the icing looking like the picture.
It certainly wasn't identical. But it was good enough for a 4 year old. And considering it was my first real attempt using decorating tips. I think it came out not half bad.
We roasted one of our chickens for dinner and everyone had a very good filling meal.
Of course we had to move on to presents. The Birthday Boy got spoiled as usual!
We had quite the Toy Story theme going on too. Since he got a talking Woody doll from us, The Jessie Doll from his brother, and the Toy Story 3 movie from Grandpa. As well as lots of new clothes and army toys from his Uncle.
Now the next big adventure...tomorrow I plan on taking a run at Cakepops. If you've never seen them they are adorable. So cute I actually shelled out full price for the book a few weeks ago. I have big dreams of making the pirate pops for Nathans preschool class for Tuesday. Lets hope they at least have the resemblance like the buzz lightyear cake. Or I'll be making a mad dash into town for bakery cupcakes that day.

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